The company

SmartTravel + 25 years of experience.

SmartTravel emerged from the desire of a group that develops solutions for air transport in bringing the same innovations to the road transport market.

In 2015, the group, which consists of an association of companies specialized in the air market, a software factory dedicated solely to transport and specialists in the road sector, began developing the platform SmartBusroad passenger management system and SmartFlix, in-flight entertainment system, incorporating several modules, applications and tools not used until then in the road sector.

In a world undergoing digital transformation the SmartTravel is aware of these changes, maintaining participation in several world events of transport and technology. Having a platform in the cloud and with the state of the art in technology allows the necessary flexibility for its customers to adapt to these changes and competitively advance their business.

Agility, flexibility, innovation and harmony with the wishes and needs of customers are the hallmarks of SmartTravel.

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